Compute Cell-Type-Specific Average Expression of Spatial Clusters
Compute Cell-Type-Specific Average Expression of Spatial Clusters
- normdata
Numeric matrix of normalized expression data, where rows represent genes and columns represent cells.
- scmeta
Data frame containing metadata associated with each cell, including spatial cluster and cell type annotations.
- cluster
Character string specifying the column name in 'scmeta' containing spatial cluster annotations.
- Region
Character string specifying the column name in metadata data frames containing region annotations (default: NULL).
- scale
A boolean specifying whether to do univariance normalization.
- ncores
Integer specifying the number of CPU cores to use for parallel processing.
A matrix of average expression, where rows represent genes and columns represent spatial clusters from the sample.
drive_deauth() # no Google sign-in is required
"HumanMelanomaPatient1_subset_counts.tsv.gz", overwrite = TRUE)
#> File downloaded:
#> • HumanMelanomaPatient1_subset_counts.tsv.gz
#> <id: 1CoQmU3u8MoVC8RbLUvTDQmOuJJ703HHB>
#> Saved locally as:
#> • HumanMelanomaPatient1_subset_counts.tsv.gz
"Melanoma1_subset_SpatialEcoTyper_results.rds", overwrite = TRUE)
#> Error in map(as_id(id), get_one_file_id): ℹ In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `.f()`:
#> ! Client error: (404) Not Found
#> File not found: 1nSPj2zRywFUdbo1fwiz77ds4NuM6bmV2.
#> • message: File not found: 1nSPj2zRywFUdbo1fwiz77ds4NuM6bmV2.
#> • domain: global
#> • reason: notFound
#> • location: fileId
#> • locationType: parameter
scdata <- fread("HumanMelanomaPatient1_subset_counts.tsv.gz",
sep = "\t",header = TRUE, data.table = FALSE)
rownames(scdata) <- scdata[, 1]
scdata <- as.matrix(scdata[, -1])
tmpobj <- CreateSeuratObject(scdata) %>%
SCTransform(clip.range = c(-10, 10), verbose = FALSE)
#> Warning: Data is of class matrix. Coercing to dgCMatrix.
seurat_version = as.integer(gsub("\\..*", "", as.character(packageVersion("SeuratObject"))))
normdata <- GetAssayData(tmpobj, "data")
normdata <- tmpobj[["SCT"]]$data
metadata = readRDS("Melanoma1_subset_SpatialEcoTyper_results.rds")$metadata
# Construct cell-type-specific gene expression signatures of SEs
avgexprs <- ComputeAvgs(normdata = normdata, scmeta = metadata)
#> SE5 SE7 SE0 SE4
#> Fibroblast..PDK4 0.110804267 0.19775972 0.13120621 -0.04927833
#> Fibroblast..TNFRSF17 0.000000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
#> Fibroblast..ICAM3 0.000000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
#> Fibroblast..FAP 0.118792445 -0.13868930 0.05233653 0.03938155
#> Fibroblast..GZMB -0.031686314 -0.07422975 -0.03297410 0.02567394
#> Fibroblast..TSC2 -0.001888106 -0.03091562 -0.02679740 -0.02925629
#> SE6 SE2 SE1 SE3
#> Fibroblast..PDK4 -0.13236092 -0.17959104 -0.025478747 0.01853931
#> Fibroblast..TNFRSF17 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.00000000
#> Fibroblast..ICAM3 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.00000000
#> Fibroblast..FAP 0.05003947 -0.10671133 0.035710822 -0.07657463
#> Fibroblast..GZMB 0.00161892 0.02988412 -0.001820212 0.04700560
#> Fibroblast..TSC2 -0.02869510 -0.05265459 0.117406740 0.13560073