This function can recover SEs from Visium, scRNA-seq data or single-cell spatial data.
- dat
A numeric matrix of gene expression data, from single-cell spatial transcriptomics, scRNA-seq or spot-resolution spatial transcriptomics data.
- scale
Logical indicating whether to scale the input data for predictions.
- Ws
A list of cell-type-specific W matrices used to recover SE-specific cell states. Each element in the list should be named after the corresponding cell type and contain a W matrix from an NMF model.
- celltypes
Character string specifying the cell type annotations, which is required for scRNA-seq or single-cell spatial data.
- se_results
A list including a seurat object and a metadata with spatial cluster annotations (SE column) returned by SpatialEcoTyper. When supplied, the `dat` should be single cell gene expression data used for the SpatialEcoTyper analysis.